Version 1 is hereeee!

Exciting news for you...

Happy Saturday!!

We’re incredibly excited to share the first version of Parrot with YOU, our Exclusive Early Users.

99% of Duolingo’s users become fluent do not become fluent, despite year-long streaks 😭. We’re gonna change that. We want your valuable time to translate to reaching fluency, faster.

🦜 About Version 1

  • We’re starting with Spanish first, more languages to come later! 🙂

  • It should take you roughly ~15 mins to complete Unit 1.

  • We’re experimenting with cutting up native content into bite sized clips and included some exercises to increase comprehension.

  • By the end of testing, you’ll be able to understand a small conversation between 2 native speakers. Cool, right? 😜

Step 1.

Step 2.

Or reply to this email with your feedback. Be as detailed as possible. We love constructive feedback. Actually, we crave it.

🔑 Key Info

  • 💻 Desktop Only (for now): This prototype is currently available for desktop use only. Mobile support will be added in future updates.

  • 🛠️ Unfinished Product: Please note that you are using an early version of Parrot. This prototype is not yet complete, and we appreciate your understanding as we continue to develop and improve the app 😆

  • 📁 Progress Saved Locally: Your progress will be saved in your browser on this device. Please be aware that if you clear your browser data, your progress will be lost.

  • 🏋️‍♂️ No Account Creation (for now): At this stage, we do not require or support account creation. All data is stored locally.

🤝 About You

We’re truly grateful for YOU! Our Exclusive Early Users, for volunteering some time to test our product.

We’d love to talk to you, or if texting is more your style, please reply to this email with your feedback. Be as detailed as possible. 🙂 

As always…

❤️ With Love,

The Parrot Team 🦜